Stromberg Carlson Restoration

Stromberg Carlson model 662
 I have had this Stromberg Carlson console radio since 1987. It was bought at a household auction near Amherst, Nova Scotia. I have done nothing to it over the years but I have noticed recently that it is looking a little haggard.

Here is what I know. It is a Canadian model 662 which I believe was built in 1946. It is a shortwave and broadcast band radio. I think, but do not know for certain, that it was the also referred to as the model 552 in other markets.

Stromberg Carlson model 662
I would like to refinish the cabinet but need a little guidance. In the first photo you will see that from a distance it looks okay. Upon closer examination you can see that the stain has lifted along what appears to be a darker band. There are other areas like the base that need to be refurbished as well.

Radio face
You will also notice that there are two dark bands on each side of the cabinet and I assume that they are there as part of the manufacturing process. I can only guess that is where the veneer pieces meet and the darker stain was used to hide the seams.

I am pretty confident that I can re-stain / refinish the whole thing apart from the face. Around the dials (which are original) there is still lettering which appears to be in great shape. I would not want to erase the lettering as it would be almost impossible to replace them (though there might be aftermarket decals available). Which leaves the question; should I refinish the face?

Radio information
I have not decided to restore the radio itself. I know nothing of old tube radios and would not know where to begin. The visual indicator still lights up and I am hearing some faint hissing but cannot tune into any stations. I don't even know if the tubes are still available. The thing on the left side of the chassis looks a little swollen, a capacitor perhaps. Again, I know nothing.

My goal is to restore the cabinet. If I can get the radio to work, that would be an added bonus but I am content if it does not function as a radio.

Anyway, I would like some ideas on refinishing the cabinet and where to start.
Finish lifting on the top

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