Olympus 45mm F 1.8

I have been having a little fun lately with the Zuiko 45 1.8. The above photo is taken wide open at 1600 ISO, a setting I would comfortably use with the EPL-5. The one below is taken at 25,600 ISO and although there some obvious noise qualities in the photo it is perfectly acceptable in a pinch for a small print. We are traveling to Cuba next month. I have been a longstanding fan of Olympus cameras but I have learned to understand and accept their limitations. The tradeoff is that they produce wonderful colours when the light is right. In any kind of challenging low light situation it takes patience to achieve good results. I believe that the EPL-5 sensor now changes that. I can take photos now that I would not have even attempted in the past. Cuba presents many challenges, the bright beaches, the dark museums and contrasty street scenes have always been a little frustrating from a photographer's perspective but I have prevailed and gotten some nice results despite the 12 me...