Spaghetti does grow on trees

Spaghetti tree Remember the April Fool's commercial from the late fifties showing Italian farm workers "harvesting" a spaghetti tree? Check it out. It should be on YouTube somewhere. Really funny. Noodle machine We make our own Spaghetti noodles and hang them on a tree to dry a little before cooking. The noodle machine in the second photo works surprisingly well and makes linguini in addition to spaghetti. Along with home made spaghetti sauce it makes for the perfect Italian meal served with a Pinot Noir from our wine cellar and a fresh baguette. The machines are around $40.00 and are very robust. You simply wind the dough made from flour, eggs and oil through the machine. Ours is made by Strauss Gourmet. Of course the noodles from the machine don't come out perfectly but that becomes part of the the character of homemade spaghetti. Try it. Its fun!