Canine Degenerative Myelopathy - Mader is Gone

Mader, one hour before his passing The first photo is of Mader taken about an hour before his passing. He looks normal....from a distance, but the photo belies his true condition. Did Mader leave this earth peacefully? No! It took more than necessary to tranquillize him. The vet who came to the house to preform the procedure was genuinely surprised by Mader's fury and his desire to hang on till the bitter end. It took four shots to end his life. After the first two when we all thought he was going under I grabbed his collar to steady him for the final injection. He immediately spun around and bit me in the hand. Following that incident the vet's assistant had to go back to the clinic to get something "stronger". Meanwhile I was quickly bandaged up. My wound required a trip to emergency after the vet and Mader left the house, something we had not planned on doing that Wednesday evening. I am now bandaged up, on heavy antibiotics for the next 7 days and in ...