Update my Dynaco SCA-80Q

Dynaco SCA 80Q Some time ago I wrote about doing some updates to this 45 year old stereo integrated amplifier that I built from a kit in the mid seventies. The Dynaco SCA80Q appealed to me at the time because it was a low cost solution to satisfying sound from a good quality amplifier. I used it exclusively for about 10 years and eventually like anything old it found it`s way to the basement where it was turned on only occasionally through the years. Last year I thought, heck lets bring the old amp to the cottage. At least there we can enjoy the sound of this antique treasure every day, Well, it was fine for a few weeks but its age started to show and show it did! A mild, unobtrusive hum slowly developed into a loud and annoying one. I thought it might be the pots and switches and perhaps they needed a little cleaning spray to fix them but I soon discovered that it was much more than that. I did a little research online and discovered that the old capacitors had seen their...