Sunday is clock winding day
Arthur Pequegnat Canadian Time clock I collect clocks. I love them. I love the sound and the constant reminder of the passage of time. When I grew up we probably had one clock in the house, an electric one located in the kitchen. Nowhere else! Daniel Dakota, though Chinese it runs well However, my grandmother had an old school house regulator style time-only clock in her kitchen and I loved the sound, a very loud tick-tock that seemed to resonate throughout their house. Although the clock said "Regulator" on it, it was not a true regulator since it was spring wound whereas regulator clocks are quite often weight driven and hence, very accurate. My grandmother's clock was high on the wall in the kitchen and above the sink and I often wondered how it got wound once a week since my grandmother was all of 4 foot 9. She must have had to climb on something to reach the winding hole. Anyway the clock went to my cousin after she broke up her home and I haven't se...