A good time to get back to my blog

Our hotel in Bangor We decided earlier in the summer to take a little trip though the States on our way back to our home in Nova Scotia. We came through northern Maine from Quebec. The Coburn Gore-Woburn crossing connects the towns of Woburn Quebec to Coburn Gore Maine. It is where Quebec Route 161 and Maine State Hwy 27 meet. It is a sleepy little border crossing with no waiting, however the US border guard was ever vigilant and asked all the key questions. Once into Maine we entered the Appalachian mountain system. What a drive! Although it was a truly stunning trip it took a lot of concentration through the numerous switchbacks and twisty roads. It was not very comforting seeing signs along the highway that said "high hit area" for deer. We were very careful and stuck to the speed limit but it was tiring nonetheless. Gas prices look good Once out of the Appalachians we headed for Bangor, our stopover for the night. I would mention the name of the hotel we stay...