Back to the East Coast

Okay, so I am back. My last post was the celebration of 40,000 page views. Thanks to you, the internet viewer, that number has risen substantially. Well, it was a great summer spent at our family retreat in Quebec. It was our longest stay yet at over twelve plus weeks. The weather was perfect. Not much rain and plenty of hot, sunny summer days punctuated by the odd bit of rain. On our way back we visited the Sagueneay region of Quebec. Talk about a must see area. We first stopped at Saint Ann de Beaupre where we toured the famous religious site. Saint Ann de Beaupre Main altar Next we paid a little visit to Baie St. Paul while on our way the Saguenay region. Baie St Paul is a pretty little town obviously geared towards tourism as there are plenty of shops. On the day we visited there was not much activity since early September is just off the peak season. Main Street Baie St. Paul We stayed at a small B&B in Saint Simeon, Quebec. A quaint little B&B. Though...