Crazy Winter Weather

December 25th What a difference in the weather. The first photo was taken about 3 weeks ago the second one this morning Three weeks ago I thought, here we go...a long winter with tons of snow and the headaches involved with driving through the stuff. January 18th During the Christmas period we had our driveway plowed out no less than 6 times. It was beginning to look like one of those winters that will give us copious amounts of snow and indeed, we have had a few of them. Nova Scotians will always remember "White Juan" which literally paralyzed the province for 5 days in February 2004. This time the snow was piling up everywhere, the front walkway was impassable and shoveling snow off the rear deck was becoming increasingly difficult. Yes, it looked like a long winter. But after New Years along comes very springlike weather with consecutive daytime temperatures in the low teens at times. Almost T-shirt weather though perhaps I am exaggerating a little. Today ...