Remembrance Day - Homage to my Father

The final product When my mother passed away 2011 I inherited my father's medals from the Second World War. They were in an old oak case that had seen better days. My father was a history buff and liked to display various historical items and he did so with a number of things as well as with this particular medal case. When I inherited the case it was in pretty bad shape and reconditioning was definitely required. It seems that it was once part of a display cabinet that my father had acquired through the Governor General's Foot Guard museum in Ottawa. The first photo is the end product of my restoration. Dad's notes for display items in the cabinet The second shows the notes that were originally in the case. I did not follow his number scheme and simply arranged things in a slightly different order something a little more presentable with dad's medals on the top and my grandfathers WWI medals on the bottom. Nearly complete The third photo shows the ca...