Getting back from Vacation

Doggie inspecting the boat Just got back from a wonderful two-month stay at our cottage in central Canada. I must say that it was very relaxing but busy at the same time. We managed to connect with extended family and meet up with friends and acquaintances during July and August. The highlights were the three visits from our kids (well, they are adults) and our trip to Calgary Alberta to see our oldest daughter.While in Calgary we did the tourist thing and even spent a couple of days at Waterton National Park in the southeast section of the province. The weather was quite variable but not entirely disappointing. Yes, we had some warm and sunny periods punctuated by stretches of rain and cool weather. It did not stop us from going for a swim most days. Indeed, we have had better summers, weather-wise. One of the highlights of the summer that I did not mention above was the building of our screened porch extension. It was a little more work than I thought complicated by waiting...