Westinghouse console radio model 512

Westinghouse Model 512 console radio with Seth Thomas Adamantine clock on top I am not really sure that this radio, made in 1936 by Westinghouse Canada, is a model 512 but the radio chassis certainly is a 512. There is no doubt about that. What I have learned from other projects is that the radio chassis number does not always correspond to the model number as the chassis may have been used in a number of sets at the time. Otherwise the radio you see is original, the knobs, grill cloth radio chassis are all original. There is an inlay at the top sides of the radio which appears to original. If I stripped the radio I would have a hard time replicating the design. Bottom line, leave it alone. Trim piece with a few nicks So, do I strip it down? The advice that I have been given by expert re-finishers is that I look at repairing or reconditioning only those sections that need a little TLC, not the whole radio cabinet. The trim needs some work, that is clear. I think...