Tick Tock
Okay I thought to myself, do I need another hobby? Well, it appears that I do. Ever since picking up our Ridgeway, Hamilton Country Grandfather clock in the fall of 2012 I have been awestruck with clocks. About ten years ago we bought a Seth Thomas Adamantine and while very attractive to look at it has not been run much largely due to the fact that it really does not keep very good time and yes, maybe it needs a good cleaning. So, we are driving up to Malgash Saturday last and just for a lark we stop by a thrift shop in Wallace. We walk in and there is everything imaginable complete with that certain thrift shop odor. Lots of clocks, mostly electric but what I want is a mechanical wall clock. What I found in a corner ticking away was a Daniel Dakota from I think would be around the 60s. Whereas the Ridgeway would be considered the Buick of clocks, the Daniel Dakota is more like a Kia. It works but I really do not expect it to last long and if it breaks I think I'll dis...