Stromberg Carlson Console radio near completion

Stromberg Carlson Radio But for the application of the decals which are on their way, the radio is complete. However, the lights are on but nobody is home....the radio lights up but all I hear is a 60hz hum. Do I leave it as it is or do I have it repaired? I don't know. I am inclined to stop here rather than pursue getting the radio fixed although there is probably not a lot wrong with it. As it sits it looks pretty good. What have I learned? Finishing an old radio takes a lot of time and patience. Gluing and clamping took about a week as I glued and clamped one section at a time. Stripping is very time consuming but sanding is relatively easy. Lacquer thinner calls for good ventilation! I tried not to work any more that 45 minutes at a time and I wore a mask all the time. When I did the stripping I discovered that the veneer was quite light, which surprised me. I probably strayed from the original factory finish by using a walnut stain. But I think the staini...