Audi Coupe GT 1982

I have had this car since it was new. It is a Surinam Red 5 cylinder, 5-speed 1982 Audi Coupe that was purchased in the early fall of 1982 from Carriage Motors in Calgary Alberta. Over the years it has spent most of its time tucked into the back wall of my garage getting very little use and in some years no use at all. My son, who also has an Audi, wants me to get this thing on the road.

Well, getting it back on the road means that a number of parts need to be replaced otherwise is cannot be mechanically safetied. I am on the net looking for parts and I am pleasantly surprised that much, if not all, of what I need is still available. In addition I am getting the front seats reupholstered. Audi Tradition in Germany has re-released the original fabric for the seats and although it was a bit pricey I bought enough for at least one seat, the driver's, which is in bad shape. Now to find a good upholsterer.

After 30 years it is time to spend some energy bringing the car up to its original condition one step at a time.

Taken with an Olympus E30 and Zuiko 11-22.


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