Okay, we're on vacation at some point in July and we are down to one car, the little 4-door Subaru you see in the photo. It's a great car but not very roomy and we have to fit the two of us, the dog and all our stuff and still be comfortable for the long drive. Thankfully, satellite radio, iTouch and CDs will keep us entertained as the hours go by.

We have had to say goodbye to our trusty Forester which we had for 4 years. A great vehicle, very roomy and very comfortable for long distances. The new car is coming in August and it will be just as versatile but for the time being we are down to one car, well, one that we can use daily.

The top photo was taken with an Olympus E-30 and the bottom with an E-330. No need for other details, they are just car shots!


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