This is what happens when you have a 30 year old Audi and the upholstery has deteriorated beyond repair. Obviously the driver's seat is the worst of the two.

Luckily Audi Tradition, a division of Audi Germany has made the fabric available this year after many requests to provide the original material. I ordered enough material to do one seats for sure, perhaps most of the passenger seat, we'll just see.

In any event I have spoken to an upholsterer but I have no idea what his work is like. Some have suggested that I see a sample of his work and that might be a very good idea since I want the reupholstering to be done right and to look like the original. There is also another auto upholsterer in a small town nearby that some say is very good.

Before I do that I have to get it on the road and to do that it has to be safetied. That requires hundreds of dollars worth of new parts which include brakes all around, wheel bearings all around, fuel system parts and other miscellaneous items. I am in the process of finalizing an online order today but may need to go to more than one supplier for other required parts. None of the above are tune-up parts which is the next stage of what I call the Audi Renewal Project.

Taken with an Olympus EPL-2, Panasonic 14-45mm with flash.


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