Early morning sunrise
Soon we will be heading to our summer retreat; the cottage. We will be spending most of our summer days enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. There will be plenty of swimming, late night campfires, fishing, hikes in the woods nearby, and spending precious time with the neighbours and family.

A lazy summer's day
Summer is a great time to recharge the batteries in preparation for another year of work. Not that work is especially onerous but it is always good to relax, clear the mind by spending quality time with friends and family at our little oasis.
Boat ride to the island

It is not all play; there are tasks to be completed, minor projects that have waited long enough and regular upkeep and there is always a little surprise that awaits us; something that needs repairing.

Projects this year include a new wood stove and new curtains for some of the windows. I also hope to enjoy a little fishing with my new outboard motor; the old one is long in the tooth and it is time that it is replaced.

The two girls shot was taken with an Olympus E-330 at f/8. All others were taken with an Olympus E-30, Zuiko 11-22mm or 70-300mm

The start to a fine day

Looks like doggy wants a boat ride


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