Thanksgiving at the cottage

There is nothing like spending Thanksgiving at the cottage with family. We flew up on Thursday evening, picked up our rental car at the airport and it was an easy hour and a half trip to our summer cottage in the beautiful Gatineau hills.

This is our third successive Thanksgiving and of the three the coolest one. Temperatures during the night time dipped to around zero while daytime highs were single digit only. Although there was a little rain, there was not enough to spoil the weekend. However, our new wood-stove provided all of the warmth we needed and thanks to our next-door neighbour we had plenty of dry wood to burn.

We even managed to get the motorboat out; a simple task since we kept our old 5hp Mercury after having purchased a new outboard motor this past year. Our jaunts on the lake were a little chilly but it allowed us to take in the beauty of the fall colours. It was nice to spend time with our family. Here is a photo of all of us seated down together enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner. A little red and white wine completed the feast.


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