Ridgeway Clock

Our most recent acquisition is a Ridgeway grandfather clock. We purchased it privately and from information labels on the inside of the clock itself, it appears to have been made in the US in 1996 by the Pulaski Furniture Corporation. Pulaski was later acquired by Howard Miller Clocks and although the Ridgeway brand is still available to this day they are sold under the Howard Miller group of companies.

The clock stands about 7 feet high. It plays a Westminster chime on  the quarter, half, three-quarter and strikes the hour. It is in exceptional condition in a striking dark oak. Perfect for our country style home.

Although the clock works very well, some day we will have to get it serviced and locate a horologist in our area. That should be a challenge.

We receive many positive comments about our clock. I will always love the sound of a tall case clock in a home.


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