Back on the road - sort of! The continuing Audi Coupe GT story

New front disk brake
Original front brake
1982 Coupe GT

 When you leave a car idle for a number of years parts need replacing. This is an interesting before and after shot of the front disk brake of my 1982 Audi Coupe. It surprises me that the car was drivable and that it could even stop.

The front brake you see is original to the car and I am now glad that I went to the extra expense of getting all the brake parts, front and rear. The wear on the disk is just a fraction of the disk area. How it stopped, I don't know.
New brake components
The rear brakes also need serious replacing

New drums - yes drums!!

New wiring harness and tune-up parts
I intended the restoration of this car to be a retirement project. Though I am not yet retired I felt that it was important to get started now rather than later. Besides, I have the energy and the time + the money.

Though it is ready to be safetied the sticker is not on just yet. That will come soon.
front view 1982 Coupe with Euro (crystal) headlights


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