More Car Shows Photos

69 Jaguar Saloon
 Alas it turned out the the Spyder I saw was a replica, so I am a little bummed about that. Still it looked great. I imagine that if it were original it would not be sitting in a field with a bunch of other old crocks.

I loved this 69 Jag because it reminds me of  the car my cousin had in the seventies though his was a gun metal grey. Fast and very comfortable; they were very stylish cars for their time. It was nice to see a well preserved example of this one at the car show.
65 Thunderbird
 I always loved the rocket shape of the 65 Thunderbird and lusted for one when I was a kid. This example looks good but upon closer inspection, needs a little tender loving care.
49 Mercury
 I really liked this car. Nothing special in an of itself but a standout just the same. It is a 49 Mercury  in exceptional condition and when I spoke to the owner he gave me some valuable information about a fellow he knew that did great upholstery work. I am on the hunt since I have some major work that needs doing on my 82 Audi.
63 Studebaker Avanti
Usually an Avanti II turns up at car shows. They are great cars but not the original like the one you  see in this photo. Again, an excellent example of a truly groundbreaking design from a company that eventually lost its way.


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