Sunday Drive, Pictou and Brule

Former ACR station at Pictou, NS
 This the old rail station in Pictou. Sad to see it closed but it is in reasonable condition having been preserved by the town of Pictou after its decommissioning in the late 80s or early 90s. There is a museum inside but who knows what the hours are. We stopped by on a Sunday to find it closed. Granted, it is a little off-season but there are plenty of tourists around, so we expected it to be open. Oh well!
Fishing boat at or near Brule
 The second an third photos are of the Brule area, northern Nova Scotia. I used an HDR filter on my Olympus EPL-5 camera to capture the B&W scenes. It was 25C and there wasn't a soul on the beach at Brule.
Brule boardwalk at Brule provincial park


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