40-150mm Olympus Budget Zoom

150mm 1/250, ISO 200 f/5.6

138mm, ISO 200, 1/60s, f/5.5
This lens is the Olympus 40-150 f/4-5.6 that I picked up prior to this past summer. It is a budget class lens in the Olympus line-up. Although it does not excel as other, more expensive,
150mm, f/5.6, ISO 200, 1/320
Olympus zooms do, it is pretty decent and gives a lot of bang for the buck.

It is really good all the way up to 100mm and then softens a bit after that. On my EPL-5 I found it quick to focus, and very light to carry.

Because of the excellent 16mp sensor on the EPL-5 I had little difficulty getting good clear shots on higher ISO settings thereby maintaining a good shutter speed to compensate for this fairly slow lens. I have no regrets. Many of my better shots this summer have been taken with this lens.

Here are a couple of shots that I was testing at the long end to see if there was good detail and I am pleased - not tack sharp, but pretty good nonetheless. Even makes a pretty good macro lens with decent, not perfect, bokeh.


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