Dugena Clock Dilemma

Dugena mantle clock
I bought this Dugena mantle clock for $30CDN. The owner assured me that it was an old clock and not to expect it to be perfect. It certainly is not perfect. It is a 2-train German made Bim-Bam clock. There is a strike and a time train. The strike train is off because it will strike incessantly. No doubt something is either worn, broken or misaligned.

Movement for Dugena clock
My first attempt at cleaning it involved taking out the movement and placing it in an ammonia bath with some Murphy's soap. The net result is that once I dried it off it was no different than before. The clock has a balance wheel escarpment and it looks as though the spring might be a little weak because the wheel does not spin more than 180 degrees. Bottom line, it needs to be taken apart and cleaned properly.

Given that I have never taken a clock apart it looks like a daunting task for a couple of reasons. One, I do not have the right tools and two, if I took it apart there is an excellent chance that I would not get it together correctly and working as it should.

So, I have a couple of choices. I can work on the movement and get it to work as it should after a decent cleaning or use the movement as a test bed and simply buy a replacement movement like the one in the last photo. The replacement movement is $128CDN for a pendulum movement or $198CDN for a balance wheel escarpment.

Balance wheel escarpment taken with an Olympus E330 and 50 macro lens
Now I could get a replacement balance wheel but at this point I don't even know if that is the problem. So, what to do.

possible replacement movement from Hermle
If I got a new movement the clock would likely run trouble-free for years. It would mean bringing the case up to showroom condition however. At this point the case is in pretty good condition for it's age and it would not take much to make a few more cosmetic improvements to make it quite presentable but obviously not new looking. So, that is my dilemma.

Leave a comment for me if you have any advice.


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