To A Great Guy

This past week my brother in law passed away after a lengthy illness at age 74. I am sure that Fred was not ready to go but a number of health issues complicated his journey through life and the last couple of years were certainly the most challenging for him.

Fred was a complicated man and I don't think he was very well understood. Sometimes when he tried to do the right thing his actions were misinterpreted but he always tried to do what he thought was best. I will always respect him for that even though some might not have completely agreed with his stance on some issues.

Fred was dependable, reliable and predicable. If you needed something done, Fred was there to help. His general knowledge of construction, his attention to detail and his meticulous approach to any job large or small made him an invaluable help when you needed something done and done right.10 years ago I asked Fred to design an extension for our cottage which he did with great enthusiasm. We copied the design to the last detail and he did think of everything. Later when we asked him to wire our cottage extension he was quick to say "yes, of course" and I am sure that a red seal electrician could not have done a better job.

His attention to detail was reflected in his love of genealogy. I am sure that he has documented his own family line like no-one has done before him. His home office would literally have volumes of books related to every aspect of his family's history and he could discourse for hours on fascinating characters in his family lineage.

Fred and his wife Carole had one of those Ying and Yang marriages in that they complemented each other in every way. You might even say that they were made for each other and did absolutely everything together, sharing the same loves and interests. Wherever Carol was, Fred was not too far behind. They went absolutely everywhere together. His love of trailering and the wide, open road brought he and Carole through many interesting places in North America for Fred loved to drive long distances in his "home on wheels" complete with satellite TV. On occasion they would take my mother along with them. He was always very good to my mother and I know she appreciated that.

Fred, if you are listening you have indeed left your mark on this earth. We will all miss you.


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