Westinghouse Radio Dismantling

Magnavox Speaker
 As most of you know I am in the process of tearing down my Westinghouse console radio to do the refinishing. I am doing a partial refinish since most of the radio is in relatively good shape. However, I am a little concerned about the "plastic" dial face and how to refinish / restore / replace (??) it. Someone suggested the same type of material to recondition auto headlights but I am willing to entertain other ideas.

Chipped edges
The grill cloth is in bad shape as you can see (I was happy to see that the speaker cone is in really great shape). Again, the fabric is impossible to duplicate but I may go the same route as my Stromberg Carlson and try a fabric store for ideas.

Discoloured dial face
I am going to focus on the trim / edging only as I feel that is the area that needs the most attention. Generally the veneered surfaces look very good.

Anyway, it is a voyage of discovery and we'll see what turns up as I disassemble more of the radio.

The good news is the frame is still attached firmly to the veneer but I might have one small problem area that I will detail in my next post.


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