Three days and still running

Seth Thomas Mantle clock
After three days the clock is running fine. I adjusted the chime by disconnecting the minute hand and rotating it 180 degrees, a very simple fix, in order to chime properly on the hour. Why it was chiming on the half hour is beyond me. So often folks don't wind the chime side because the chimes are disturbing (too loud). I think that is what happened. It probably came back from the shop adjusted incorrectly and the owner simply ignored it and stopped winding the chime side.

The gong on the hour and half hour is unremarkable but loud considering the size of the clock. Does it keep good time? So far it is accurate but I don't really expect it to be in the long term, but that is the nature of windup clocks. Want a mechanical clock you can depend on, get a weight driven regulator.

Otherwise I cleaned the clock using Murphy's Oil and applied a little walnut stain using a toothpick to fix a couple of nicks and scratches which are now invisible.I want to brighten up the brass bezel and will pick up some Brasso this weekend.

All in all a great find.

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