Arthur Pequegnat Brandon Update

 As mentioned in a previous post the clock case was in very good if not excellent condition as was the clock face and hands. To see the clock with the clock-face on see my last post.

To oil the clock the face must come off, not difficult; there are four small nails that need to be pulled off plus the hands to reveal the movement. As you can see it is one train, very simple, dependable and accurate (for a pendulum clock). Once the face is off oiling is quite simple. And it looks like the movement  had been reasonably well maintained for a 80+ year old clock. But it is not surprising that it needs some TLC at this point in its life.
In my other post I detected that one of the bushings was in very bad shape contributing to a slight squeaking sound. The curious thing was that it was keeping very good time despite obvious problems.

I investigated a number of horologists in the Nova Scotia region and firstly discovered that there aren't many at all. A lost art indeed! In any event my search through the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC - revealed that there is one repair outlet in Halifax that has a good reputation, Doctor Clock.

So in I went to bring my clock in for the repairs. I fully expected that it will cost something significant to fix the clock but it will not only last a long time, it will enhance its value considerably.

I was advised by the horologist that the winding spring is in good shape and can be left in. The bushing I discovered, as well as several others have to be replaced. A good cleaning of the movement will also be done.

It looks like I will have it for Christmas.


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