Arthur Pequegnat oiling and cleaning

The Arthur Pequegnat Brandon (2nd Edition) is a wall clock and at at this time it is hanging in my home office as you can see from the first photo.  Typically it was used in schools and offices. It was likely a fairy accurate clock and because it is time only the movement was relatively simple and trouble free. You can see how small the movement is in the second and third photo.
The clock mechanism after taking the clock face off

When I got the clock it was making a slight rhythmic squeaking sound even though it seemed to keep good time. I surmised that it needed an oiling. I have clock oil on hand and have already oiled a few of my clocks so I have a little experience in that area. First of all it really doesn't take much to oil a clock and interesting enough generally less oil is best. Mantle clock are quite easy to oil because you simple take off the back panel and find the pivot points and apply lubrication again sparingly. Easy-Peasy. However, too much oil is problematic; too little is not enough; small drop of oil at each point will do.

Another view of the movement
The Brandon is like the Canadian Time clock that I have. To oil the clock you have to take the front clock face off after removing the hands. There are 4 small nails that pull out very easily.

I noticed that this particular clock has been oiled (or perhaps serviced) a number of times because the nails seemed to have been removed quite often. I suspect that wherever it was located it was maintained regularly. Luckily the hands have a screw mechanism that once twisted releases the hour and minute hand quite easily.

Anyway back to the squeaking. It continued to squeak after the oiling and I will wait for a little while to allow capillary action to allow the pivots to be completely lubricated. But I suspect that the squeaking will remain because as I was oiling the various areas of the clock I noticed that one of the bushings was badly worn; there was considerable play in the pivot. It was just one that I could see, there may be others. Since I am not one to replace / repair pivots I suspect that I will bring it in to a horologist to have some work done. I also suspect that even with a bad pivot  or bushing the Brandon will continue to tick; a testament to the quality of these fine old clocks.

As I had everything taken apart I touched up the case, cleaned the glass front and back and the clock face itself with a little soap and water. All in all it looks great!

UPDATE: One day later and the squeaking has all but disappeared. However I am delaying the inevitable. That pivot still needs to be fixed. Perhaps during the winter months.


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