20,000 Page-views So Far

Yes, this humble little blog has reached 20,000 page-views!

So first of all thank you if you are a regular visitor to Joiner's Musings. Also thank you if you are one of those people who comes here to glimpse some of the events in my life. (You know who you are!) Let us also not forget the many people who have ended up here by "Googling" the many phrases associated with clocks, cars, photography, cottage life, traveling or just stumbling to get here (yes, there is even a website called www.stumbleupon.com).

I started this blog on a whim while I experimented with the whole concept of recording my thoughts and ideas. I figured I would eventually loose interest and this place would fizzle out of existence like so many other blogs I have seen. Search and you will find a vast array of blogs where I assume people just gave up or ran out of original ideas.Were these sites failures? Not necessarily, but like anything else in life you've got to keep at it to make it successful.

It nearly did fizzle out a couple of times but I kept getting that itch to write about the things I love most in the world though I deliberately avoided getting into the personal side of my life. I did learn that to keep the page-views up I had to "feed" the blog occasionally to keep folks coming back and there were times when the page-view count for the day was discouragingly low. Not to be dismayed I hammered out yet another post to try to capture the interest of my readers. I do have slower periods and take a break. I am usually on summer hiatus but I marvel at the higher than normal page-view counts even during periods when I am contributing very little.

The odd comment that is left on posts and the semi-frequent emails and private messages have also kept me coming back. So if you have ever left a comment or sent me a message thank you!

In the new year (2015) I am going to focus on the photography side of things which was my original intent. So, I hope to get a little more imaginative and highlight some of my better photos. Although 99% of the photos on this site are taken by yours truly they are merely record shots that are meant to showcase my other interests.

Stay tuned folks, there is much more to come.


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