Voodoo 101006 - Is There Any Progress On The Restoration?

Rusting away at Cornwallis

 In May of 2013 I wrote about a forlorn sight I discovered at the decommissioned Cornwallis military base near Digby, Nova Scotia. At the time I thought it was a pitiful shame to see this McDonnell Douglas CF101 interceptor exposed to the weather and rusting away and wondering how this CF101 could be ignored in this way given that it was an important part of our military heritage. A shame!
Tail section of #006
It was with great pride that I discovered that this fine aircraft was destined to be reborn to museum condition. In the fall of  2013 the plane was moved by flatbed truck to London, Ontario where she will be restored to its former glory.
Nose view missing a few pieces
The plane is presently at the London International Airport. Some information. Voodoo #006 was one of two of the last in service CF-101 Voodoos in 1987. On April 19, 1987, Voodoo #101006, made the world’s last Voodoo flight, going to CFB Chatham, NB. The aircraft was then moved to its display place in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia at the Cornwallis Military Museum. However, the aircraft had been sitting outside for many years exposed to the elements and it must have been a difficult decision to award the aircraft to the Jet Aircraft Museum (JAM) museum at London International Airport in London, ON, Canada.

Engine view minus engine of course
Well, I hope that the plane is completed as planned. Sadly, my last visit to the JAM website revealed virtually minimal progress since November 2013. Although a fund raising effort appears to be still underway it would be nice to see it finally completed. When that day comes I hope to travel from my home in Nova Scotia to the Jet Aircraft Museum in London Ontario to see the final restoration.

If you know what is happening with the restoration, please leave me a note and make my dream of seeing it finished a reality.


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