Mantle clock by Mauthe - Westminster chime

Mauthe Mantle clock circa 1950s
 This is a German Mauthe mantle clock. It is a fairly nondescript clock with unique applique scrolls on either side of the front facade. A very practical design and not particularly attractive in my view. It is a three train clock with a rod and hammer Westminster chime which actually sounds quite nice. It chimes on the quarter, half, three quarter and on the hour as well as striking the appropriate hour. Now this can be quite annoying to some folks but to me this is the sound of music. I can imagine that many people did not wind the chime side because of this.

I got it at an antique store about 20 minutes from where we live and at a pretty good price. Why, it is not the high season yet and anyone with an antique store will give you a pretty good price at this time of the year (March) just to keep store traffic and stock moving. 

On top of a 1947 Stromberg Carlson console radio
Here is what I know about the Mauthe company drawn from various sources. 

Mauthe started as a general supplier for clockmakers tools and equipment in Germany. Mauthe originally accepted clocks on a barter system. As the demand for clocks grew, Mauthe started his own manufacturing enterprise in 1876. His sons Christian and Jacob joined the family enterprise in 1876. In 1886 the Mauthe factory started her own spring drawing facilities. In 1899 a case factory was added, by 1900, 1000 employees were on the payroll. In 1915 Mauthe added their own sawmill and milling shop. 

In 1923 the year of inflation made competition for Mauthe tough. In 1930 2000 workers produced 45,000 clocks and watches a week. By 1923, 60% German clocks exported to London were Mauthe. In 1970, Mauthe struggled for survival, in 1975 the company was in receivership and forced to close in 1976. 

I am dating this clock to around the early fifties before floating balances were in vogue.

Movement with pendulum
The clock sounds great. I cleaned it up and will oil tomorrow once I see it running for at least a day.

Update: After 24 hours is is a little fast but going through the strike and time cycles without a problem. Very pleasant sound. Nice to finally have Westminster chime mantle clock.


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