A timely Gift

From the class of 2015-2016
Well, retirement had to come sooner or later and the end of January seemed to be the perfect time. My hour had come, so they say.

I was invited into the classroom; wait a minute I thought. Is something happening? A few seconds later they presented this very timely gift, a memento of my retirement, a clock. I have to give them a big hand!

The second year class whom I had taught for nearly two years knew that I had an interest in clock collecting and repair and thought that a timepiece would be appropriate as a retirement gift. And it was and I was touched. They even had it inscribed.

An appropriate memento
Interestingly enough it is probably the most accurate clock in our home. I have 25 mechanical clocks, all shapes and sizes and not one can maintain the accuracy of this small clock, such is the state of modern technology.

I looked on top and said, "what in the world is this? And it spins too. I thought my wife and I could use it to travel the world. You know, spins it with eyes closed and see what area of the world I touch that we could explore.
What on earth is this?
I will miss this class and I will miss my years of teaching. However I hope to see the smiling faces of the second year class at graduation in June as they proudly walk across the stage.

Go here to see my collection of clocks.


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