Getting that summer cottage feeling

It won't be long now. Soon we will be making our annual trek to our paradise at the lake. Good food good friends, fishing, boating, hiking, camp fires at night are all the niceties in life to look forward to as we spend our summer at the shore. The cottage is a great place to decompress, to get away from the toil of everyday work and to take time to contemplate the future. Indeed, our most significant family decisions have been made at the lake.

Projects this year include a porch roof, trim painting, more stairs to the lake plus a railing along side and a new bunkie for family and visitors. However, this could be a lean year for visits from the family as our oldest will be beginning her residency in July, our second daughter will be busy preparing for her European trip and our youngest, who is in the navy, will be deployed through the summer and part of the fall. Moreover, that will give us a chance to concentrate on my projects and allow us to spend more time with friends on the lake.

My other plan is to do more fishing and to that end I have purchased a new rod and gear which will no doubt make me a better fisherman.
 Not much longer to go. I am glad to have to opportunity to spend some time in the most relaxing setting that I know.


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