How to deal with winter in Canada

Snow shoeing in the back yard
As we transition into the winter months in Canada there are a few things I am really not looking forward to; bad driving conditions, snow shoveling, and that housebound feeling when it is too cold to go anywhere.

I certainly look forward to the coming together of the family and friends for the Christmas season. I look forward snow shoeing and winter photography and leisurely walks on sunny days though in our winter we don't get a lot of sunny days, unfortunately. I know that come January I will be wishing I were some place else, like the Caribbean or our summer cottage in Quebec.

Paradisus Rio de Or
To stave off the effects of seasonal affective disorder we have decided to break the winter doldrums with a trip to Cuba. This will be our 7th trip and our third stay at the Paradisus Rio de Oro located in the Holguin province. With the change of government in the United States it looks like America will sadly reverse its normalization process with Cuba. It also looks like the resorts are in somewhat of a panic mode and are offering some great bargains now as Americans are reconsidering their decision to vacation in Cuba,

If you are interested in a Cuban vacation this is a great time to go. If the US government decides to continue with restoring ties with Cuba this might be the last "best" time to go and you can expect a corresponding rise in prices in the years to come.


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